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[INSPIRING STORY] 101 Things GGMUN's Former Delegates Want To Share With You

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Don’t go to the direction where your heart doesn’t come along with you.

Are you doubtful about going to a Model United Nations conference because you’re scared that you won’t fit in?

These ex-delegates will convince you for good! Learn their stories and decide yourself afterwards.

1. Wynona Curaming - Philippines

Wynona was a delegate from the Philippines. She has always wanted to be a delegate of MUN ever since she first knew about its existence.

To her, MUN opens up many opportunities to grow personally and professionally; be it at public speaking, understanding global issues or networking.

Joining GGMUN did not only tick one thing off her bucket list, but also provided her with a highly-supportive platform to further her MUN journey.

She learned from and befriended numerous supportive and inspiring leaders.

The chairs had plenty of MUN experience; she was amazed and incredibly grateful for the chairs of her committee.

They walked her through every step of the way, patiently offering valuable insights and advice.

Other participants who had zero MUN experience didn’t get left behind! She witnessed how everyone helped each other out and was inspiring in their own way.

2. Hitaishi Gayatri Gopaul - Mauritius

Hitaishi Gayatri Gopaul came from Mauritius to represent goal 1, namely No Poverty.

She admitted that Global Goals MUN was indeed an amazing and enriching experience.

Each part of GGMUN was simply perfect; from the atmosphere to the people she met there.

When the time for meeting session came, ideas and arguments were all over the place; making the ambience in the room got more intense.

“Debating in a cooperative atmosphere was a commendable experience,” quoted Hitaishi.

The meeting sessions enabled her and fellow delegates to share thoughts and opinions.

Everyone had a say, a voice which mattered!

However memorable the conference was, Hitaishi thought that the most important part was learning how to work in team, developing our self-esteem and self-confidence.

3. Aftab Kalandrani - Pakistan

Aftab Kalandrani joined Global Goals MUN to represent his country, Pakistan, on Good Health and Well-Being matter.

It was his first time in an international conference. It was also a perplexing experience from day 1 until the last day.

Aftab believed the first spectacular beauty of MUN was actually the fact that they were a delegation from all around the world, different countries, different traditions and cultures.

Another thing that made him proud of being one of GGMUN’s delegates was that everyone was representing the mother earth.

No matter from which country he/she belongs to.

He/she will represent a country from the globe.

At GGMUN 2.0, Aftab got the chance to represent his home country, Pakistan, where he discussed the issues of goal 3 (good health and well-being).

He didn’t forget to raise the issue of cancer faced by his country in general speaking; he knew it was important, and he wanted the world to know.

Aftab said that what made GGMUN more beautiful was the fact that it let everyone aware about global issues.

He made lots of friends. He created lots of memories.

He knew he could never forget these miraculous memories with GGMUN!


Global Goals MUN accepts everyone.

You don’t have to be afraid that people will criticize your worth.

Cast away your doubt and join us now!

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